35 thoughts on “This Will Determine Bitcoin's Move This Week..

  1. Last year 2022 Celsius support I questioned where they were stationed. They said their support was in Las Vegas, then I found out Celsius did not have a sign on their office. That was too scam my and I never deposited anything

  2. Love your channel watch twice a day, however theres something u say that annoys the shit out of me makes u seem like a rich dbag. I get it u have worked hard saved and been through it all u are George we all are george. But you are not payckeck to paycheck any more. When unsay what more do u want u have had all 2022 to dca. That really pisses me off. With the cost of everything its hard to save money to dca, all it takes is needing a new set of tires or your wife to break her ankle rollerskating. I have a great job good insurance but so many times i have bought btc or polygon and then just have to resell it to pay the bills . All damn year! So stop trying to relate to the average guy u used to be and dont say we have all had our chance you live in a diff world now and rightfully so. I still love ya man and how u think thanks for the optimism and daily reminder we need to dca hopefully this is the year i can actually hold my bag

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