48 thoughts on “Terra Luna Classic | LUNC To Support Or Turn Back on Binance?

  1. Lets not go finding new ways to lose the only real support LUNC really has by changing where Binance Burns are going> Binance is Burning LUNC, Nothing said about UST, lets not get confused here. CZ is burning LUNC not UST. Get another exchange to burn UST instead if you want to burn UST, leave Binance burns to LUNC where they are meant to be going. Quit trying to bite the hand that is feeding you. The program is working, lets not fix it. Find another mechanism to burn UST if you want to do so.

    Burn Tax is also just that a BurnTax. It should not be split anywhere but with the burn wallet ONLY. Anything other than that it is not a Burn Tax, it becomes a simple outright tax. NOT RIGHT!!!

    Now that being said, the Gas Tax was increased to do what I understood be a way to provide for the funding mechanism of the Community and Oracle Pool's. What is it with the community and the validators in charge of this coin. Why id the gas tax get increased to 5% from what it was then. Where are those funds being dispurssed, to what exactly> let Binance burns and anyone else that want to burn burn the coin. NO further reminting of anything coin at all. Burn tax is for burns NOT for Community use or Oracle uses. Get this straight and quit trying to re-invent new ways to steal from the BURNS and those burning. You want to fund the oracle and community pools as well as burn UST tokens, find another convention instead of stealing from those that are trying to make or bring down the curculating supply already. You have already determined that .2% bunr rate isn't enough to sustain anytthing more so quit taking from the little there is. Give Binance his whitelisted wallets. He is actually doing something for LUNC, when are you all going to see this. Leave it alone it is working. Slowly but working.

  2. I suggest a community burn where we get as many LUNC holders as possible to buy $10 of LUNC and send it to the burn wallet on a pre-determined date and time frame, we will be burning millions

  3. Most of us missed the golden times of BTC,ETH,XRP and so on but that's no reason to miss Amazons d52eaY while that is still in the earliest phase of where you can get it. Make up your decision this will be the one time where you have the chance to do so

  4. I am honest I think losing hope comes more and more to mind. I just want to share that Amazons d52eaY can stop the great depression we are facing, economy can be fixed. Even if not on a global scale we as individuals can fix it for ourselves since things like this exist and just wait for us to be utilized. I don't want to wait any longer and be subject of bad decisions. Time for my own decision

  5. Think about if you could have your own fate which is possible with Amazons d52eaY. What do you think happens after inflation? I am sure they will keep living cost high and even if the whole war finally gets to an end that still doesn't fix anything for us. Truth is we are getting ripped of every day and there's not much to do about it except for using the projects which actually HELP

  6. I still think d52eaY has a great future because it's owned by amazon. Also I don't hear anyone about DFI? Taking the biggest blow right now. From 5000 euros to 330…. will this still work out in the future? And since BTC will fall even further I think we haven't seen the bottom yet!

  7. I was certain that you were going to suggest d52eaY as the third one. I only lnvest/trade in d52eaY. It's a winner as far as can be seen by today's market. Good luck everyone!!!

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