38 thoughts on “Terra Luna Classic | LUNC Spend Proposal To Repeg USTC

  1. Hahaha still at square one… Mediocre content and analysis … Get real and clazzy😅 reality thanks to oscar, virtualbacon and rextrp totally opposite hahaha … Lunatics can face truth and reality

  2. Band protocol is open for service. Oracle and terra price. How can you stop providing them like this? Who told you to stop feeding their prices? The system has crashed. It's only because of you that the system crashes …. Band protocol, a real terra killer.

  3. I would rather see a wallet simply hold them instead of burns as I don't think it is as rewarding or capitally efficient to hold the tokens as that is simply burning 1.5 million dollars per month. I don't think it is the best solution to revitalizing LUNC and USTC. How I would repeg USTC would be to allow you to swap USTC for USDC for specific periods of time. CZ is a good man for taking a million out of that to reward LUNC. I disagree with that aspect. I think if we used that to try to repeg USTC to say .05 cents with users being able to trade that .05 cents for BUSD or what not (Creating a liquidity pool), and then slowly grind it up back to 1 dollar, it would not only help Binance be able to create more liquidity for the token but also slowly build back LUNC and USTC. This is a 5 year fix but it could very well fix a lot of the problems with the tokenomics. I think that there needs to be about 10 times what the reserve should be as market swings can wipe out and destabilize the whole system. But that is my 2 cents.

  4. Still wish the moment the mass minting happened they would have stopped it and sent all newly minted coin to a dead-end wallet. Could have corrected the issue immediately.

  5. Repeg proposal.
    Cons –>
    1. Spend money to do research! Bad idea! Thats not real work!
    2. One man team trying to repeg USTC.
    3. Accountability? How are we going to hold him accountable?

  6. when i pay a contractor to work on my house…i would expect to see some results after the contractor did his " research " on what was required, so as to proceed to execute the " proposal " to completion, that we both agreed on….no ?

  7. Nice video and thanks for breaking it down. Even with the current dip in crypto currency’s, I’m glad I can smile 😊 back at my portfolio of $102,800 built from my weekly trade, I’m having my fourth withdrawal in 21 business days

  8. CZ and the "dream Team" must convince the other Cexs to implement on- and off-chain burns, otherwise Lunc will creap on the ground as pump/dump coin.

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