10 thoughts on “Terra Luna Classic CRITICAL DECISION

  1. Absolutely not 5% that is a continued rape of the community investors are not here just to provide liquidity these validators who continuously throw these roadblocks if anything it's going to be at a one-and-a-half percent or 2% rate

  2. The zero commission validators won’t let this proposal go thru because they have a lot of voting power and I don’t think Allnodes will vote against their own validators who rent from them with zero commission

  3. This sort of thing pisses me off, why is it up to me to make new validators work ? as a investor by default (after Do kwons crash) I was left with very little but I am somewhat positive with the repeg plans etc that one day I might get some if not all of it back, in the mean time what keeps me going is I can earn rewards, if those rewards are taxed and increased big fees then it just feels that small investors are being shafted again

  4. The proposal is a no or no with veto. Why? This means that small validators (less than 1% VP) can no longer grow quickly. So it should depend on how much VP the validator has. My suggestion Vlidators with <1% can still go to 0% comision to grow. This also improves the nakamoto index; cherrs.

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