Ethereum CRUSHES Bitcoin in 2024 (Ethereum’s Master Plan for Crypto Dominance)

Ethereum CRUSHES Bitcoin in 2024 (Ethereum’s Master Plan for Crypto Dominance)

Since ETH merge not only price has been moving up but also the amount of Ethereum coming into supply went negative! Find out …


49 thoughts on “Ethereum CRUSHES Bitcoin in 2024 (Ethereum’s Master Plan for Crypto Dominance)

  1. I wouldn’t be surprised, but I highly doubt it…you can’t engineer trust (or should I say, no need for it)and adoption. With no head of the dragon Bitcoin has the “magic” ETH (or any other coin) will ever have. This is coming from a MAXI hater and holder of at least 20 other tokens including ETH

  2. Do you know why Ethereum suddenly started crushing bitcoin. Go look at the top eth burners. It's this project called #XEN. I think XEN will crush Ethereum too.

  3. how about this news: Coinbase CEO said that they're hearing rumors that the SEC would like to get rid of crypto staking such as ETH2.0 in the U.S. for retail customers. After ETH is converted to POS, there are also disputes about whether it is a security.

  4. Why not just use algo. I mean windows 2000 was great and stable but im sure mac is amazing too.

    Apple first mover with full touch screens but other markets have good tech too.

  5. I will have to watch and see how plausible this is. I haven't seen anything that gives me confidence that ETH can make a clean and fairly quick migration to crypto 2.0. The price may go up as you reduce quantity but you still need quality, security and performance to keep building value.

  6. 2025 ethereum master plan to flip Bitcoin
    Lol. The fact that he has to talk about how much eth monetary policy changes. It's all about scarcity. Even with artificial scarcity it's still way less Bitcoin in circulation than eth🤷🏾. It's all word salad

  7. Ethereum has always been the most Centralized "J.P. Morgan has been here from the beginning".. and they still won't reveal who bought at their ICO. Not to mention the EVM is garbage

  8. If the block rewards are so small in the last cycle, why will miners bother working for such small amounts? If BTC doesn't make it to the millions in price, it won't be worth it.

  9. Ben have you hear of the new coin coming out in a few months call unicoin? This coin will be totally centralized. It will be part backed by funds produced by there show unicorn hunters. The holders of the coin will also receive dividends from profits made. It would be great if you would consider contacting there producer and did a live interview with them.

  10. and we have only bear what will happen in the bullrun we just saw on the dookey mint day this massiv pic and massiv mining rewards but bigger burnings then rewards and for pos a couple eth is insane

  11. Doge has a girlfriend on the ethereum network. DogeGF it's top secret project with founder of anonymous, elon, vitalik etc… charity and welfare. Royal Society. The idea is to merge ethereum and blockchain pŕoof of stake

  12. What better way to start a global change? Don't get me wrong I know they are not like altruists or something but they keep doing the right thing to improve the situation, power the ecomonmy and so much more. We need players like them and we can always jump in the train at good spots such as this one

  13. Ethereum?? Really? What do you think is going to happen when the corruption of the project comes to surface. Val and Joey will go away and no one will use garbage that’s slow and still incredibly expensive.😂

  14. yo Bitboy! what makes you so sure that in the future they'll just issue "print" more eth? i don't see it. bitcoin the other hand has a FIXED supply. ETH does not. ETH is centralized by the ethereum foundation, bitcoin is not. I think you should take a step back and get back to the drawing board imho.

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