Best coins listing in the world
$BitNomad (NOMAD) on Binance chain
BitNomad (NOMAD) is a Meme token aims to protect children from the harmful internet using Artificial Intelligence(AI) .
BitNomad Live Price and Buy Information:
The BitNomad live price is $0.00189 USD with a market cap of $1.13M USD, a 24-hour trading volume of $11.60K USD, a 17.71% decrease in the last 24 hours, and a circulating supply of 600.00M NOMAD coins out of a maximum of 600.00M.
$Silver (SILVER) on Ethereum
“SILVER brings trading directly to where it matters most—your research interface. ”
Silver Live Price and Buy Information:
The Silver live price is $0.405 USD with a market cap of $405.77K USD, a 24-hour trading volume of $183.11K USD, a 188.37% increase in the last 24 hours, and a circulating supply of 1.00M SILVER coins out of a maximum of 1.00M.
#Bobantoken & #Ivacrypto
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